The sea and submarine world of the Cres and Losinj archipelago

The sea bed is ecologically clear and unpolluted, unlike the northern Adriatic. It does not differ much from the coastal area, and diving along the shore can give a good impression about the submarine world in this area.

The dominant sea plants are no doubt the sea algae, around 260 types of them. The local waters are inhabited by various precious sea organisms. As on the land, here we also find rare animal species such as the dolphin and sea turtles, and there have been sightings of the Mediterranean monk seal, the most endemic mammal in this area and the most endangered European mammal.

The waters are rich with 95 various species of fish: mostly dentexes, sea basses, sea horses, giltheads, groupers, pilchards, mackerels and tunas. From the family of sharks, we find the dogfish and other species not dangerous to humans. Dangerous sharks appear very rarely, and those that get lost probably come following the commercial ships.


Dolphins of the Losinj maritime zone

The waters of Cres and Losinj are the habitat of around 150 dolphins. The most common among them is the so called good porpoise, and the common dolphin. During their never-ending journey, they cross several dozens of kilometres a day, and when they are not searching for food, they swim in close groups near the surface, play and perform their famous jumps. These sea mammals are an attraction for tourists who sail or row, because dolphins stay away from motor boats. Seeing them is an unforgettable experience. As the griffon vultures on Cres, dolphins are one of the main features of Losinj.


For several years now, a research project on good dolphins, Adriatic Project Dolphin, has been conducted within the Tethys Research Institute. Citizens can contribute to the research and preservation of dolphins by adopting them. For about 200 kunas a year, you can get a certificate acknowledging that you have adopted a dolphin, a T-shirt and a photo of "your" dolphin. You can visit their webpage at: Blue world

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