Tourist agency artMedias, Mali Losinj

artMedias tourist agency is a modern agency from Mali Losinj, which is active since 2003. Our primary activity is mediation in reservation private accommodation and accommodation in villas and hotels on the island of Losinj. In addition, the agency works on the development and design of web pages, and holds multi-media presentations about the island of Losinj.

We offer our clients a top-quality service that includes not just reservation of accommodation, but care about the guests from their arrival to departure. We provide guests with all available information and help them to spend their vacation as pleasantly as possible.


We stress this unique webpage on which you can browse through the probably largest database of accommodation on the island of Losinj, which is being updated weekly. You can view detailed features of accommodation units, photos and availability, connected by an advanced browser by affinities, with the aim of finding and reserving your ideal accommodation as simply as possible. Apart from accommodation, our webpage is the most extensive source of information about the island of Losinj, instructions on how to reach the island, and a unique photo gallery. In the national Internet competition for 100 best web pages VIDI Top 100 our webpage was voted one of 10 best tourist web pages in 2003.

The main motivation behind this Internet project was to present our special and beautiful Adriatic island, reveal its charm, more than 4,000 years old cultural heritage, clean and crystal-clear sea, different types of beaches, unique communities and people living there, and to encourage you to visit and explore it.


The accommodation we offer and show on our webpage has been checked and photographed by our staff and described in detail. The agency is trying to establish a "fair-play" service for the clients, by stressing the exceptionally good features and not hiding those of less quality. You can view numerous photos of each accommodation unit, as well as calendars of rent availability, so you can easily choose what suits your desires and needs, and with just a few clicks, reserve it on-line, in the comfort of your own home.


The agency is based in Mali Losinj and we will be delighted to see you and provide you with additional information.

A pleasant vacation wishes You the Tourist agency artMedias !

Have a question or need help? Contact us!

Contact us at any time, we will be happy to give you the information you need

00385 51 520 625

Current working hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 13:30; Sat: 09:00 - 19:00; Sun: 09:00 - 13:30

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